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Bulletin board shown is 11" x 17" corkboard covered with Michael Miller's Etc. in Black, embellished with various colors of 5/8" side saddle ribbon with square and round buttons.
Materials Needed:
any size corkboard (available at Michaels or other craft store)
fabric to cover corkboard
approximately 4 to 8 yards of ribbon
additional embellishments as desired (buttons, beads, etc.)
Step 1:
Place your fabric piece face down on a flat surface. To keep the fabric from slipping as you glue it in place, spray the front of your corkboard with a temporary adhesive. Place the corkboard face down, centering it on the fabric. If you develop any wrinkles, restretch the fabric over the corkboard.
Step 2:
Starting on a straight side of the board, glue the fabric to the back of the corkboard with a craft glue or glue gun. At the corners, fold the fabric over the previously glued section to make a smooth rounded corner.
Step 3:
Turn corkboard over so you are looking at the front side. Lay out your ribbons as you would like them on your board- spacing them 2" to 4" apart depending on your personal preference and the size of your board. Cut the ribbons approximately 5" longer than the length needed to cover the board.
Step 4:
Working with the left to right diagonal ribbons first, lay your ribbons down on the board and clip them to the edge with clothespins. Measure the spacing between the ribbons to ensure the ribbons are parallel. (If you selected spacing of 3", ensure that the ribbons are 3" apart all along their length.) Also, make sure the ribbons are taut across the board, so that pictures and memos can be tucked in them without falling off the board. Once the ribbons are in clipped in place, turn the board over and glue the ends of the ribbon to the back of the board.
Step 5:
Working on the right to left diagonal ribbons, lay them on the board and weave them through the ribbons you glued in the last step. Again, measure the spacing to ensure that your ribbons are parallel. Clip the ribbons to the edge of the board. Again, glue the ends of the ribbons to the back of the board.
Step 6:
If desired, embellish your board with buttons, bows or beads. You can use glue or thumbtacks or staples to adhere your embellishment to the board.
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